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Summer Snow paradox as it sounds..we can still actually believe in magic here in Volgograd..

I mean, yesterday it was scorching hot, the earth almost cracked, and I believed if it wasnt for the 3 litres of water I kept drinking within 4 hours in the classroom, I would eventually crash due to hyperthermic shock...
....and now, while i am typing this post, its actually rain heavily outside, complete with thunder (which is very rare here , and it is magical in itself!!!)

and while usually you guys have snow during winter, we have "snow" as well during summer (check the pic above)..ok its not really snow, its actually tree pollen, flying to claim another territory in competition with human civilization..but hey, when u caught it in photo, it almost looked like snow..(or am I too dumb to differ??)

anyway, walking through this "summer snow", and listening to "Keep Me Warm"-by Ida Maria, (featured in Greys S4 finale-kudos to maddie)...

...that is magic...

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