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3S Summer trips: OSLO pics  

Plate on the Right side of Town Hall commemorating The Nansen Passport idea. (see post below)

Lepak2 di taman, menikmati bayu Scandinavia

The Oslo Fjord, menghadapi laut Baltik, Gulf of Finland, and the open North Atlantic Ocean.

Melepak di Main Street sambil menambah selera merenung orang2.

The "Rostig" (Parliament) of Oslo.

Oslo (and Norway) had the most sophisticated parliamentray system in the world during its early ages. Perhaps because of the high democracy value being uphold at that time, Alfred Nobel decided that the Norwegian Parliament should award the Nobel Peace prize.

The Nobel Peace Centre

The Royal Palace in Oslo.
What did I say about it being simple?

The Sculpture Garden. Do I look like the statue above? (except being overweight?)

The Town Hall

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