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I've been tagged  

So, neemo tagged me for this little silly games where we have to list down our 5 most visited links, and then to tag another 5 person to do the same silly that in the end we all can share this silly little links...

well, I'm silly enough to join in .. :P

o, here's my 5 most favorites links:-

1 ) MY GMAIL - sorry I know u all cant share my account. But what I am trying to say is that, gmail is simply the best web-server mail in the world. With unlimited storage (suits for me bcoz I am too lazy to empty my mailbox), search mail features, and many2 more...

2) FRIENDSTER - (I know, lame....)

3) BLOGSPOT - Mine (ok, thats a little self-fulfilling), Neemo's, then rearrange's, then maddie's...then..uh, well, any one I happen to bump into, and then marks them with my RSS

4) WIKIPEDIA - (yeah, we medstew are geeks...and that IS special,...sorry, sucks to be you :D) ~ uh kejinya2...

5) I am suppose to put up NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE , but since it sounds too lame, even for me...and too geeky, yup, even for me, so I decided to go with the more humane-like link, namely....YOUTUBE...hehehehehe

so , I'm tagging :-
, yes...that's, dont run away, I got your IP stored ...hehehhe

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