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a post from nowhere..on my 23rd year of life  

I'm not sure whether it is the sweet scent of moist air, or perhaps its the sound of buzzing street downstairs, but indeed something had woken me up from those long sleep that I had long deprived of...

This early morning, with sunlight lit beneath the metal blinder above my head, this cocoon of mine looks as soothing as a baby crib, that for a milisecond I consider just to sit still and breath. I looked around, and before I knew it, I almost smile to myself.

Shall people ask me , in which point of earth I am right now, I would indeed answer : I'm not sure whether its heaven or earth :) Had there been angel around, I would have mistaken myself to be involved in some accident, and by His grace, was revived in the garden of eden.

Here is the place where I cant comprehend people, and they dont even have any idea who am I. But we smile, and we be polite to each other. Its a place where judgmental is the last in social list, and where people acknowledge u with respect that one deserve.

This is a place where the moon still not ashame to shine. I am sitting in front of the window looking beyond the roof tops and cathedral spire, and on top of it, the moon lit fell gracefully into the room, shining onto me and my beloved little friend I am typing on now :) Far north a group of bird fly past thru hill, flying aimlessly, but with ties knitted together so close you would thought that there are from the same body. In midday rain cames dropping, bringing with it the magical mist that filled this enchanted land. Water in the lake rippling, as if dancing along the soft whispering of southern breeze.

Dusk creeping slowly, like a baby awake from a sleep. Sitting on a bench sipping tea, I wonder how could I have missed every little beautiful things He had made and bestowed upon us. The sunlight dim slowly, disappearing beneath the horizon, and I sat there, consumed by darkness, and the chanting songs of insects carried me into another day in my own little garden of eden.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY WANDI !!! (**Busuk) ~tu mamud tambah  

Birthday Flash / Graphic for MySpace

Happy Birthday Wandi!!!

p.s : wandi is 1 of the founding member of X-tech, back from the age where I immersed myself into the world of gadgets, and computer.

We represent Malaysia both in Intel ISEF (in Ohio, well at least supposed to :) and In ESI Moscow..

He just been back from Australia so I guess it will be a little late for him to see this post since I wonder if there's even a phone line available in Merlimau, his home sweet home in malaysia :)

I need 1 good chicken!!!  


Ujian bermula  

Hari-hari dah dipangkah...jenuh membaca (yakin je baca..), merepek, minum kopi, teh, makan biskut (banyakkan aktiviti2 lain?? membacanya kejap je..)

..akhirnya tiba jugak hari esok, hari perlu melangkah kembali ke luar selepas hari-hari hibernasi dalam bilik...

..jangan tanya "dah sedia ke tak??" sebab ilmu tu tak habis dituntut walau buku dah habis dibaca (wow..wisdowmnyer..)..sebaliknya tanyalah diri sendiri "ingatkah kita utk bertawakal kepada-Nya?" (wow..wisdom lagi)

sumer nasihat-nasihat di atas dikutip dari pelbagai sumbber2 yang diluluskan JAKIM

selamat diuji....

quote dari yat "EXAM RUSKI JE...."


Our very own little 1429 Celebration :)  


Bila jemari mula menari...  

Madahku bukan hanya bicara sia-sia. Kerana jari ini pernah berbicara, meraut kisah yang lebih dalam dan pedih dari yang pernah kalian nukilkan.

Barangkali sejuk dingin salju di luar membuat kau enggan berbicara lanjut, sebaliknya selesa di tapak prejudis dan prasangka buruk mu sendiri..lantas kau sebarkan kalimah zalim mu dan mencangkuk satu demi satu insan sekelilingmu ke dalam jurang kegelapan, kedengkian, dan kejahilan tidak bertempat.

Kau laungkan kalimah kebenaran butamu, tanpa kau sedari ratibmu diratapi. Kau persis dengan sangkaanmu langsung butakan diri dari menelaah apa di sebalik kisah ini. Kau ketepikan adab dan budaya, hanya sahaya kau mampu jadi jaguh dalam medan bicara jahil itu.

Henti sejenak, saudaraku....
buka mindamu dan halusi nukilan jemari yang menari..

kerana manusia itu berbeza, namun destinasi kita sama. Akhirat menjadi hentian terakhir, sebelum kita melangkah ke alam berbeza. Harus jalan ke destinasi itu berbeza, dan yakinlah banyak simpang yang membuat jalan ini lebih berduri dari yang kau tahu..

Maka langkahmu terhenti pada tika detik itu menjadi beban yang tak mampu kau galasi seorang diri. Dan kau lemas dalam kepasrahan kau menempuh kezaliman sedunia. Kau pulang menghadap keluargamu, hanya untuk menghadapi kebenaran pedih kucar kacirnya tiang masjid yang pernah berdiri megah. Kau menjangkau kepada insan sekitarmu, namun yang kau garapi hanyalah pandangan simpati palsu sebelum mereka menikam dirimu rapat di tulang belikatmu sendiri..

Iman kau bergegar seketika. keyakinanmu malap, dan realiti menjadi satu jurang dasyat yang penuh dengan lurah api dan jalan berduri. Kau fikir untuk berhenti tapi ribut di belakangmu mendekati. Dan kaku seketika, kaki membatu ...kau diam membisu..

Yakinlah tapi, Tuhan itu tidak sekali-kali zalim pada hambanya. UtusanNya berakhir sudah, namun warkah utusan itu diteruskan anak watan. Kebenaran yang di luar kejahilan. Terbuka mindanya memimpin mereka yang ketandusan. Tidak segan ia bicara perkara di luar adat tandus masyarakat , dikepungi ideologi kolot. Tidak kalah ia dengan taboo masyarakat , yang selama ini menjauhi mereka yang perlukan bimbingan. Yang selama ini enggan bicara lanjut tentang keluarga dan teman, tentang emosi dan iman..

Pendekatannya berhikmah. Dan di tengah-tengah masyarakat prejudis itu, ia hulurkan tangan kepada mereka yang kalah di medan juang kehidupan sendiri. Dan bicara ia terbuka, biar hati mereka kelapangan. Biar mudah dan lantas menerima bimbingan. Biar imannya kembali utuh, biar yakinnya kembali teguh..

Ikatan ini jadi nadi kehidupan mereka. Kerana mereka mengerti lebih apa yang dikerjakan, dan ke mana arah tujuan. Disimpan kemas-kemas ia didalam kotak bicara, kerana menjadikannya rasmi bakal merosakkan ideologi ikatan ini. Jauh disorok dari gapaian masyarakat yang selama ini hanya berjaya merosakkanya, dan seperti mereka, kembali ke arah kepalsuan..

Kepada yang membaca warkah ini, tak perlu kau tahu lebih dari apa yang jemariku nukilkan. Kerana bila tiba masanya, kebenaran bakal terbuka, kerana niat murni menjadi asas, dan Islam itu sebagai aras. Kerana Tuhan itu membenci mereka yang berlebih-lebihan, dan dari titik itu, ikatan ini menuju ke arah kebenaran..

Jemari ini menari dalam kedinginan. Kerana bicara di luar sana liar, ditutupi prejudis dan prasangka. Maka biar sahaja jemari ini menukil kebenaran , menghapusi semua syak wasangka...


The Weather Diet (c)  

Unlike the Atkin's , or the Dr. Shepherd's , or the endless HealthFood diet listed by Reader's Digest, my new, improved, non-pocket-ripping diet program had proved its effectiveness. Less than 4 months, I had lose a "significant" amount of number on my weight scale...note however, I did mention numbers, not anything physically visible with naked eyes..

So, to start this program u actually dont need to pay a fee that reach almost USD 200 per month, what you will need are :

1. A visa to enter Russia
2. Free time spanning mid-Nov till February
3. A one-way ticket to Russia (dont buy 2 -way, so less chance you can run away)
4. A room with bad microclimate condition
5. An unthinkable little amount of money so that u need to rethink again n again whether to call that cab to bring you out from here and to buy food
6. Lazyness even to get out from your bed

oh, and to get an extra kick from it , add please :
7. no electric heater
8. dysfunctional communal heater
9. unsealed windows
10. empty food cupboard.

So, when you add all this up, what you will get is :
" You will stuck in a cold room during windy Russian winter with no heater and the air seeping through the windows. Then your stomach started to grumble and you open up your cupboard and find you left with nothing except a bottle of soy sauce and dried chillis. And then you think its time for you to get out and buy some foods at the NEAREST supermarket, but you ended up opening your wallet and find that your scholarship is achingly small that the only way you can afford to go shopping is by walking all the way through the snow blizzard with -16 degree outside. This is the time when you really think you need to go back home to Malaysia, but , oh dear God, you dont have the return ticket !!! and you only have entry visa but not leaving visa (Russia is so cynical they thought people will need a visa to get out from their hell motherland).."

after 10 - 12 repeated scenarios mentioned above, u can embrace yourself and step onto the weight scale..

yes, i can see you smiling, thank you :)


The breach of trust  

BREACH OF TRUST - The wilful misappropriation, by a trustee, of a thing which had been lawfully delivered to him in confidence.

In the light of recent event, I disappointedly have to announce that 2008 does not begun great for me. :(

Less than 24 hours from the 1st moment we entered 2008, news coming from a source stating that "somehow-someone" had breach my trust. More disappointingly, it came from a source I never want to mingle around from the 1st place.

So, if you happen to read this, Mr self-absorbed-alpha-male-thinking-that-u-might-manipulate-people-around-u-for-your-own-vote-of-self-confidency, you had indeed triumph in your attempt to detach completely from my trust.

I mean, for God sake, it was a personal thing, and if you pay attention enough, you might know that the chance is, I dont want it to be out, let alone be viewed by your group of self-maniac-filled-with-pheromone acquintance. And since its not enough damage, you have to jingle the whole thing in front of one person I dont want to have anything to do with!!
So, yes, thank you for reading my ranting. and to the one mentioned above, since you're so slow in getting what the hell you've done , I've given you tips here...

..and yes, stop calling me unless you have a very good explanation and you find a way to amend this all...

no xoxo from this post :(


My Blog Header  

On the verge of creating the blog "with my personality" , I set up a new blog header that I myself designed it..

I was sooooo past my photoshop age, and yes, what skill I have acquired those past years, seems a little blurry for me this time. Frankly speaking, I thought I could do better, but I just couldnt :)

anyway, if you could see a little closely to the header, u could really tell that it is very me-ish . The railroad is actually the one that is behind my hostel, from which I cross everyday to get to the other side of the road where I'll stand in the freezing winter waiting for the public transport. On the left, there's the picture of a chest X-ray , the magical image that still mesmerize me how cool God made our inner structure to be the same to all mankind, regardless of our outer appearance, and lastly, on the right is the typical Stethoscope and medcharts, the universal symbol of full-of-suffering medskewl life :)

If you like it, just give me a buzz, so I can stop considering whether I should put up a new blog header


My 1st official post : welcoming '08  

I should have put up this post like hours earlier, but then again due to incomprehensible obstacles, I've just managed to post this now.

Starting onJanuary 1st, 08 , I officially will rant here, about all those things irrelevant to your life, and my life...

So let us start about how great the New Year Bash I had with my circle of friends last night. It was like totally awesome!! Unlike most of the party, this time we really snug in to the activities rather than worry too much about the food. The food is yet, great!! I hadn't had rice for like months, and to be blessed with Nasi Minyak, Ayam Masak Merah, Daging Kicap n Acar last night, I dont even feel guilty to have a 3rd round :)

WE then spent the night playing games, with the side apperitiff of apple pie, fish crackers, and vanilla float while waiting for the clock to struck 12. When it did, I couldnt believe we just pop out the party poppers and sang Negaraku for the lack of other better songs to be thought about then.

It was 2 am and we all gather around with neck deep beneath the comforters and hot cocoa and scented candles all around. Dim light and slow indie songs played at the back while we ranted about everything and everyone, and remind us the good and bad that happened along 2007, and what we are wishing for the years to come. It got to deep though, but I had my oath paneled to the ground that we wont discuss it in the open :)

more pictures to be posted soon.

ok, party description over, now about New Year manifesto ;
I thought I'm going to make a vlog out of it, but since we cant login to YouTube (I dont know why), I guess you all have to wait for some time, that is...if you want to know what is it, which I guess is a little off-chance since I myself usually dont give a damn, so why should everybody else does, aight???

ok, I really should stop right now...this post doesnt sound that official anymore..

p/s : Have I told u all I love u guys??? that'll be my caption this year : spread love :)
