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The breach of trust  

BREACH OF TRUST - The wilful misappropriation, by a trustee, of a thing which had been lawfully delivered to him in confidence.

In the light of recent event, I disappointedly have to announce that 2008 does not begun great for me. :(

Less than 24 hours from the 1st moment we entered 2008, news coming from a source stating that "somehow-someone" had breach my trust. More disappointingly, it came from a source I never want to mingle around from the 1st place.

So, if you happen to read this, Mr self-absorbed-alpha-male-thinking-that-u-might-manipulate-people-around-u-for-your-own-vote-of-self-confidency, you had indeed triumph in your attempt to detach completely from my trust.

I mean, for God sake, it was a personal thing, and if you pay attention enough, you might know that the chance is, I dont want it to be out, let alone be viewed by your group of self-maniac-filled-with-pheromone acquintance. And since its not enough damage, you have to jingle the whole thing in front of one person I dont want to have anything to do with!!
So, yes, thank you for reading my ranting. and to the one mentioned above, since you're so slow in getting what the hell you've done , I've given you tips here...

..and yes, stop calling me unless you have a very good explanation and you find a way to amend this all...

no xoxo from this post :(

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