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the unusual russian friendliness  

ok, so contrary to some western european countries, Russian are not well-known for their friendliness with foreigners. Strike a conversation with strangers is odd enough for them, but when that strangers is a foreigners, hell (s)he might rather dance in his/her underwear in the middle of a snow.

so, when I was loittering around alone recently, I was so surprised when this little girl here suddenly sit in front of me and strike a conversation "MENYA ZAVOT OLYA...KAK TEBYA ZAVOT (recall she used the "tebya" form, insisting friendliness instead the "VAS" form)- which means she was asking about my name.

I couldnt believe it that I hesitated to answer even in front of this kindergarden girls. Well, u can never know how they could strike your russian-impaired tongue. (I am no excellent Russian speaker)

anyway, we have a little chat , mostly about her, (they learn how to brag even from this age), shared some fries, and even played tug-the-tissue-and-lets-see-who-get-the-bigger-pieces-and-won-the-longest-french-fries.

but it only last for 7 minutes when her mother came and grab her arms and dragged her away (of course during this time she managed to throw me a stern look while saying "excuse me this little brat just disturbed your meal"..and even before I could say "it's ok, c'est normale..or "nu, nichevo", she had her dragged across the restaurant while whispering something to her along the way

I believed she said:
"What the hell do you think talking to that foreigner?? couldnt you see he eat kids for breakfast!!!"

What next?

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